Capable of operating in extreme environments, under adverse conditions, the founders of the Pathogen Trackers camp work tirelessly, each contributing to the best of their ability, while always striving to bring out the best in each other. Each member of the team participates according to their personal expertise and professional skill set.
Burning Man 2022
The contagion is certain to spread when The Man burns in:
Pathogen Trackers: Burning Man Theme Camp
The Pathogen Trackers is a Burning Man theme camp made up of an elite group of scientists, botanists, engineers and research specialists deployed in the field for real-time sampling and treatment of pathogens capable of entering their host and evading immediate destruction by the host’s immune system. The Pathogen Trackers camp is governed by the PCC aka the Pathogen Control Center. The PPC is a non-profit organization responsible for the evaluation and monitoring of non-bacterial, infectious diseases.
Our Mission
The Pathogen Trackers are focused on serving our fellow man. All are welcome! We provide elements key to human survival. Everyone is welcome to partake. Providing protection from the desert sun, the Nutrient Distribution Center we provide lunch daily to hundreds of fellow burners.
Pathogen Trackers

Camp Leader

Infectious Diseases

Camp Engineer

Lettuce Green
Interior Design

Logistics Supervisor

Social Steve
Social Director

The Twins
Cultural Liaisons

The Rohan
Playa MacGyver

Camp Manager

Ex Ray
Dancing Neuro Radiologist

PCC Commander

Boy Boy
Lead Carpenter
Field Reports
PCC 365: Protecting People from Pathogens, Always

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Pathogen Trackers
Pathogen Tracker Vehicles
With the assistance of the PCC, the Pathogen Trackers camp has been entirely created through the acquisition and refurbishment of medical and military surplus equipment.